Self talk

Ok, in that space again where I don’t want to write because all the stuff that wants to be written out if my head isn’t nice or pretty. … but it’s bugging me and I don’t want to bug people who might be affected— or might not …

I’m a shit. I can pick and choose whom I want for friends, who I want to fuck, who’ll just get teased or placated. I know what I want — mostly…

I’m incredibly grateful for my friends and lovers; the really close ones make me feel like a treasure they couldn’t live without… why isn’t that good enough? Why doesn’t that satisfy me? [Morning edit: because I treasure the validation they feed me, if I could help them move beyond a need for me, I will feel good but I would seek validation from new places…]

I want to be kind, genuine, authentic, honest. I do not want to be honest; honesty is blunt and has so much potential to be hurtful [& rejection!]

I love you, I want to see your suffering end, I want to hold your hand as you let the oxygen slip away and allow your spirit to be free from the painful boundaries of your body. I feel so hopeless, mean, apathetic? with that thought. Where is my faith in healing?]

I love you. It’s so hard to see you drunk on alcohol. You with your mind already pickled, how will you survive if he dies? And You, you haven’t pickled your brain yet, you can still hold a job, but again and again I see you choose alcohol for the fun, while it isolates you from relationships and I selfishly don’t want to watch but I can’t abandon you, because you haven’t abandoned me… but every week I am saddened by the escapism I see in alcohol and the effects it has on him and my heart breaks as I pray please don’t you take that path to a pickled body.

I love you, dear little brother, I can hold you and mother you, but please don’t pull on me. Don’t romanticize our connection, seeking approval, care and boundaries that only you can give yourself .

And you that I loved but now grieve, I don’t want to forget you, but I am happier when I do, and that makes me afraid that someday I might…so I hold just a little tighter to your memories weighing the value of guilt…

And you whom I don’t know if I know… I try to push the thoughts and feelings aside, I try to rationalize my way out, you give me nothing tangible, so I must be imagining it… but I can’t talk myself out of it, infatuation, obsession, irrational romantic feelings…

But really how fair is it for me to love anyone? to give my energy to anyone when I am such a mess?! Focus on my house, focus on my career and making myself whole… but I love want and need all these hurtful pieces of me… I want to be held and feel safe to let my needs be fulfilled , I will find satisfaction.

[morning edits continued] writing before bed was helpful. Once the lights were off and the lullabies were supposed playing but stopped after Que Sera Sera and I was too tired to start it again until sunrise. I drifted in and out of sleep to the music and dreamed I was running late to his performance – I awkwardly rush in past the diminutive piano where his face brightens with recognition then returns to focus on his performance; past the community audience who look large in their chairs, to an empty couple of chairs almost behind the stage…I take off my coat and shoes and even my socks, my pile of crumpled belongs in the chair and on the floor between me and stranger… I feel peace to just wait watch and listen, there is a hopefulness… the other comes in, he has shaven and dressed nice, he has come for me, but I don’t want to be here with you. I clumsily gather my chaos of accessories and tell you no, we have to go… the crowd is disturbed, the performer’s face falls with disappointment the room feels dark and sad as we leave… I feel trapped into harshly demanding awareness, truth, freedom but the panic wakes me up… bad dream! But I actually saw their faces, faces that haven’t been in my dreams so clearly before. Confusing

Avoidance resistance

Whatever… I keep trying and stopping… loosing my son was hard, but I can find peace in his life and death.

My lover Joel killed himself January 2nd of this year. We had talked that morning, I was trying to maintain my boundaries; specifically not going to wherever he was to break him up with yet another woman that he couldn’t be honest with, or who got fed up with his drinking… I don’t know the stories only that after him begging me to come and then not choosing time with me when he’d be done with that girl he’d take another one, several times over several years… I felt like I owed myself some respect to not go rescue him again. I told him he was welcome to come to my home, even with a boyfriend already living with me! I was preparing to pick Joel up from his dad’s if his girlfriend who was kicking him out took him there (he loved his dad but couldn’t stay there, because of alcohol I think)…

My relationship with Joel was always complicated. We met while I was married; it was a perpetual affair on either his side or my side for eight years! After my divorce I went into EVERY relationship with the warning Joel has my heart, every measure of me wanted to have his child and give him anything I could… I was delusional… he seemed to both love and hate that would drive by his work, his house, leave him smokes and beer and food and wait until he wanted to fuck me and then I would do everything I could to get to him and beg him to come to me… always wanting him to come to me, make it official, public, REAL… but no, another girl…

So he moves in with her tells me he’s not married but the silicone ring on his hand makes me doubt and he was 45 minutes out of the way far from friends and family… I only saw him once in the last two years… once he came to me and that magic was shadowed but not dimmed and I still held hope that he’d be back…

Our messages were rare, his story that she monitored his every move, kept him locked away with a broken car and was going to take over his phone… then she was kicking him out, fixing his car or taking him to his dad’s; I told him I would help however I could I would even come get him after I emptied my truck … I got a phone call on my way home… I was driving, I answered but there was only an open line… I thought the signal was bad.. I asked who it was I asked if it was Joel… I think I started talking to him like the silence on the phone had to be him! I can’t remember what I said or when the call cut off… I got home… life got busy… I waited to hear from him, biting my nails and hiding my worry as my kids came that weekend… no replies to my messages, was he ghosting me again? Had his girl taken his phone all the usual scenarios ran through my head… I asked him why I hadn’t heard from him … was everything ok?

On January 5th his mom messaged from his account “He took his life. No he is not okay”

The shock, guilt, anger, devastation still cycle with the uncertainty of my sanity, my delusion of our love and connection… how and why would he leave me?? Was that him on the phone??

I’m not part of his family; my family is sorry for me but didn’t like how he treated (ignored /used) me so I am very much alone in my grief and very much fighting the delusions that give false hope…

Maybe now that I’ve written it down and admitted the struggle .. maybe my life can move forward leaving this here no longer festering in my soul… I will never hold you again, caress that tattoo, marvel at your thin body or worship your horse hung cock; truly the stallion who should have never been caged; you chose your curse told me long ago you were a lone ghost… and while I welcome your haunting I must find solace that you will never electronically “ghost” me again.


If I could erase myself from your life, what would I forget?

Every notion every trinket, could simply disappear, but how do I scrub the memory, of simply being here?

And how would it help me, trying to make you forget? While I suffer alone with the love I could not give….

will not give, but keep locked away for myself, because no one should love a monster or submit to such ugly pain.

Vanish into my vanity… Slip into the dark. Breathe seeking sanity, succumb to the farse. Hold me tight dear monster, I cannot disappear, but I can hide a little longer, taking comfort in my fear.